Manuscript Submission

Letters to the Editor are submitted by email (; please specify whether the letter is intended for publication in CM or JAALAS in the subject line) or through the USPS (Letter to the Editor, CM or JAALAS; AALAS; 9190 Crestwyn Hills Drive, Memphis, TN, 38125).

Research Reports, Case Reports, Case Studies, and Overviews are submitted electronically through the Manuscript Central system. To avoid publication delays, ensure that all portions of the manuscript conform to the specifications in the Information for Authors.

To submit a manuscript for possible publication, you need

  • A Microsoft Word file of the manuscript itself. Do not add line numbers to the file.
  • All associated image files.
  • A list of MeSH terms (maximum, 7) for use as key words appropriate for indexing of the article.
  • Names, institutional affiliations, and email addresses (maximum, 4) of suggested persons to include or exclude as potential reviewers.

Submit all necessary files for CM manuscripts at Submit files for JAALAS manuscripts at

As part of the submission process, return signed copies of the Copyright Transfer and Declaration of Potential Competing Interests form by email ( or fax (901-334-5152).

The corresponding author must retain editable electronic copies of all text and illustrations used in the submitted manuscript.

Copyright and Competing Interests

The publisher of an original manuscript is generally recognized as the owner of the published material. Consistent with this convention, AALAS requires copyright ownership of all materials published in its journals. Authors must sign and return a copyright release form at the time of submission. Authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions to reproduce previously published figures, tables, or sections of text.

In the interest of transparency, the AALAS journals have adopted a competing interests policy. A detailed copy of the policy can be found here . Authors are asked to disclose any competing interest related to a manuscript at the time of submission by completing and signing the Declaration of Competing Interests form and the copyright transfer form found here  and faxing it in to the editorial office (901-334-5152).

Reviewers are requested to recuse themselves in cases where a significant conflict of interest, financial or otherwise, exists. However, financial interests do not necessarily disqualify a reviewer from evaluating a paper. Reviewers are asked to inform the editor of any interest which might be perceived as relevant. Editors will then consider these statements when weighing reviewers’ recommendations.